Pepperidge Farm Whole Grain 15 Grain Bread Review

In terms of dietary health, variety seems to indeed be the spice of life, and that’s true of flavor as well.  With its 15 different grains, this  Pepperidge Farm Whole Grain 15 Grain Bread   not only offers a wide variety of grains for a diverse nutritional profile, but it is unusually hearty and filling for a bread,… Continue reading Pepperidge Farm Whole Grain 15 Grain Bread Review

Bobs Red Mill Organic High Fiber Oat Bran Hot Cereal Review

I bought several bags of this   Bobs Red Mill Organic High Fiber Oat Bran Hot Cereal   back in 2008, in an effort to raise the amount of soluble fiber in my diet, hoping to lower my borderline high blood cholesterol.  Well, I’m sorry to say that eating this oat bran had little effect.  I guess… Continue reading Bobs Red Mill Organic High Fiber Oat Bran Hot Cereal Review