Great Value No Calorie Sucralose Sweetener Review

Great Value No Calorie Sucralose Sweetener tastes precisely as sweet and luscious as its name brand counterpart, Splenda, which is the first name brand sugar alternative built on the artificial sweetening agent known as sucralose. Stores began marketing this sugar-like granulated powder flavoring to the public at large in the early 2000s, and I’ve bought several boxes of it over the years, eager… Continue reading Great Value No Calorie Sucralose Sweetener Review

Splenda No Calorie Sucralose Sweetener Review

Splenda No Calorie Sucralose Sweetener  is the first name brand sugar replacement based on the relatively newly-developed sweetening agent called sucralose.  This sugar-like alternative was released for public consumption in the early 2000s, and I’ve bought several boxes of it over the years, eager to check it out.  When I started writing these reviews, I thought I’d again get a 100-pack box… Continue reading Splenda No Calorie Sucralose Sweetener Review