Nestle Nesquik Low Fat Chocolate Milk Review

With most chocolate milks, you’ll find lots of added sugar in this  Nestle Nesquik Low Fat Chocolate Milk   product.  One serving a day might be acceptable for dieters.  But the alluring chocolate, creamy, and sweet flavors will likely entice you to drink significantly more than that; especially if you’re a feeble-willed sugarholic as am I. … Continue reading Nestle Nesquik Low Fat Chocolate Milk Review

Nestle Nesquik Low Fat Strawberry Milk Review

I snagged a bottle of this   Nestle Nesquik Low Fat Strawberry Milk   to check out.  Looking to take a break from the plant and grain beverages for a little while, I thought I’d bring a 16-ounce bottle home. Much in taste like a strawberry milkshake or the retro Strawberry Quik drink mix, this drink brings… Continue reading Nestle Nesquik Low Fat Strawberry Milk Review

Nestle Nesquik Low Fat Vanilla Milk Review

Much in taste like a vanilla milkshake, this  Nestle Nesquik Low Fat Vanilla Milk   brings back lots of memories of grade school and trips to the ice cream stand that vanilla flavored soy and almond drinks fail miserably to do. The bottle says that this milk contains 170 calories per 1-cup serving, roughly twice that of non… Continue reading Nestle Nesquik Low Fat Vanilla Milk Review